VoIP or Skype

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VoIP or Skype

Two-way audio is required to operate your radio remotely. Audio can be provided within CommCat Mobile and CommCat and QSXer using VoIP (Voice over IP), or by using two Skype Accounts.


To use CommCat Mobile VoIP you must have a CommCat Live account or CommCat VoIP subscription on the MyQSX server.  CommCat Live and CommCat VoIP are separate subscription services.  Once you have a Live account, contact CommCat support to have VoIP enabled in your account.  If using QSXer, your VoIP account will be set up once you have subscribed.


If you choose not to sign up for a Live account, you can continue to use Skype as the means to send and receive audio.


Here are the advantages when using CommCat Mobile VoIP:


1. Simple operation, tap a button in the CommCat Mobile Tuner window to start or end a connection.

2. Simple setup.

3. Uses industry standard "SIP" technology for greater flexibility.


Skype is a free Internet service you can use to provide 2-way audio to your radio.


Learn more by visiting the Skype site: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/home


Two Skype accounts are required, one running on your home computer and the other running on your iPhone.